Energy Resources
Are you stumped for additional ways on how to cut your home electric bills? Take a look at the energy saving resources using the links or contact Southeastern Electric Cooperative for information and advice. As a consumer-owned business, your co-op is here to provide you with electricity at the lowest possible cost.
Start Saving Energy Today
Energy Efficiency Tips
Saving energy is saving money and can be a fun activity to engage your friends and family. Tactics to save energy come in all shapes and sizes, including steps you can take today at no cost. Energy efficiency also increases the comfortability of your home, and makes larger projects worth the investment. In this section, you’ll find small steps and big ideas to help you save today.
What is Demand?
Demand is the rate at which electricity is used. In other words, it is the amount of electricity required to power all of your connected appliances, lighting, heating or air conditioning at the exact same time. (Learn more by watching the video below.)
Members can play a significant role in controlling the cooperative’s wholesale power costs. We encourage you to help manage our demand by participating in the load management program. If we work together, we can better manage power costs for everyone. To learn more, call 1-800-333-2859.
Energy Calculator
The Home Energy Saver™ (HES) empowers homeowners and renters to save money, live better, and help the earth by reducing energy use in their homes. HES recommends energy-saving upgrades that are appropriate to the home and make sense for the home’s climate and local energy prices.
Energy Assistance & Weatherizaton
There is help available to assist you with your heating bills. Through South Dakota Department of Social Services, the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) provides financial assistance to low-income South Dakota households to pay their home heating bills.
Low Income Energy Assistance
The energy assistance program will help pay for your heating costs. This program may not pay for your entire bill. Energy assistance is based on a first come basis and based on the number of people in your home, total household income for everyone in your home, type and cost of heating where you live. If you qualify, the payment will be made directly to your energy supplier.
Weatherization Assistance
The weatherization assistance program is designed to help low income South Dakota households make their homes more energy efficient. This program is also based on household income. You must qualify for the energy assistance program to be eligible for the weatherization program. With this program, funds are limited so you may be placed on a waiting list. Priority is given to the elderly and handicapped individuals and to families with small children. This program is operated by community agencies.
For More Information and complete qualifications and application information, contact your local county welfare or community/citizen’s action council listed below:
Interlakes Community Action
Rural Office of Community Services
SD Dept Social Services
Hutchinson County
Lincoln/Minnehaha County
McCook County
Turner County
South Dakota
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Powering Your Life
Local Touchstone Energy Electric Cooperatives provide power for thousands of homes, farms and businesses throughout eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota.