Member Rebates & Incentives

Member Rebates & Incentives

Southeastern Electric Cooperative would not exist without our members. We pride ourselves in offering exceptional customer service. Our online Member Services section is an easy and convenient way for you to find the answers to your questions. If you can’t find what you are looking for, feel free to contact our office at 1-800-333-2859.

Commercial Rebates

Commercial Electric Heat Rebates

  • $50 per ton on Heat Pumps
  • $10 per KW for Resistant Heat

Requirements For Receiving Commercial Rebates

  • All equipment must be installed and in operating condition before any rebates are issued

Contact the Member Service Dept. for limits and more details.

Commercial Lighting Rebates

Commercial Lighting rebates are available for replacement fixtures only.

  • Commercial Lighting Replacement only-$1,000 max rebate per location.
  • Old fixtures must be recycled or destroyed.
  • Must have Invoices for new fixtures.
  • Southeastern must inspect when job is complete.

Example: Replacing existing 4- 400 watt metal halide fixtures would equal=1600 watts.
Replacing them with 4 – 100 watt LED fixtures would equal=400 watts.
1600 – 400 = 1200 watts saved. 1200 x .20 cents = Rebate $240.00.

Dollar amounts for rebates may vary and are subject to change without notice.

For more information and details please Contact the Member Services Dept. at 1-800-333-2859

Water Heaters

Southeastern Electric offers rebates on Marathon water heaters when an existing electric water heater is replaced or in new construction.

These super insulated Marathon water heaters come with a lifetime tank-replacement warranty for original purchaser only, plus a 6-year warranty on parts from the date of manufacture.

EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2023 – We will only be selling water heaters to residences and residential rental property. We will no longer be selling water heaters for shop buildings, dairy barns, garages, barns or commercial properties. Please call if you have questions on these changes.

Note: Member must register the water heater’s serial # with Rheem Products to qualify for the lifetime warranty on the tank. Click here to register water heater.

*A Marathon has a lifetime warranty on the tank to the original purchaser and location for leaks. If the tank should ever leak while at its original point of installation and with the original owner, a replacement water heater will be supplied at no cost for the new water heater. Labor to remove and install is the owner’s responsibility.

Single family dwelling rental property only carries a ten year warranty for water heaters. 

Member Cost After Rebates:

50 gal.$760 + tax
85 gal.$925 + tax
105 gal.$965 + tax

Replacing Gas Water Heater or New Installation in Natural Gas Territory:

50 gal.$560 + tax
85 gal.$775 + tax
105 gal.$790 + tax
MR5023850 gal.23.5”62.8”110 lbs
MR8523885 gal28”67”155 lbs
MR105238105 gal30”67”155 lbs

What Makes The Marathon Water Heater So Great?

Long Life

The seamless blow molded polybutylene tank is impervious to rust and corrosion. Multiple layers of filament wound fiberglass give the tank unmatched strength. The tank is designed, built and warranted not to leak "for as long as you own your home."

Energy Efficiency & Environmentally Responsible

Envirofoam insulation is free of ozone depleting CFC's and HCFC's so it saves the planet and saves energy.


Recessed drain valve is out of the way of brooms and scrubbers. Tough molded outer shell resists dents and scratches. Bowl shaped bottom allows more complete sediment draining.


Factory installed temperature and pressure relief valve for greater value and security. Conduit between control boxes facilitates wiring for "Off Peak" use. All plastic tank eliminates the need for an anode rod, preventing potential odor problems.

To qualify for the rebate, members must meet the requirements below:

  • The new water heater must be installed in residential or residential rental property only. No Ag applications such as shop buildings, dairy barns, calving barns, garages or any commercial applications.
  • The new water heater must be installed at a location served by Southeastern Electric
  • The new water heater must be hooked to the load management program.

Reminder: Member must register the water heater’s serial # with Rheem Products to qualify for the lifetime warranty on the tank.

There is a Delivery fee of $40. Water heaters can be picked up at any of our six office locations. If water heater does have to be replaced homeowner is responsible for disposal. If not SEC will charge a $25 disposal fee for old water heater.

Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Visit the Marathon Water heater website for How to Videos or contact our office at 1-800-333-2859 for more details!

Renewable Energy Credit (REC) Program

Your Co-op is Renewable!

Southeastern Electric Cooperative Inc. is offering a new program to our members! You now have the opportunity to power your home or business with 100% renewable energy. The energy we use to power the homes and businesses of our members comes from a diversified mix of coal, hydro, natural gas, wind, waste heat and nuclear. There’s no specific way to know which source energy comes from once it’s created and sent out on the grid. However, when renewable energy is produced, a renewable energy credit (REC) is created and that REC represents the valuable renewable attributes of that energy form. One REC is equivalent to 1 megawatt hour (MWh) produced by a renewable energy source.

SEC has RECs available for purchase to offset your current usage with 100% renewable energy through our REC program. The electricity you receive will still be the same reliable, affordable energy you’ve always received from SEC but, by going 100% renewable, you’ll be supporting current and future renewable projects in our area.

How much does it cost?

$1 per MWh

Example: If you use 1200 kWh per month, participating in the REC program it would add $1.20 + tax to your monthly bill.

Do I need to purchase any special equipment?

No. Southeastern Electric Cooperative will continue to fulfill all your electric needs and you can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy.

Where do the RECs come from?

The RECs come from several wind and hydro facilities in the region that supply renewable energy to Southeastern. These include, but are not limited to:

North Dakota: PrairieWinds 1, Wilton 1 & 2, Baldwin Wind Project and Minot Wind Project

South Dakota: Crow Lake Wind, the Chamberlain turbines, Day County Wind Farm and South Dakota Wind Project

Learn More

If you’re interested in participating in Southeastern Electric Cooperative’s REC program and supporting renewable energy production, please contact us at 800-333-2859. We’re excited to help you reach your renewable energy goals!

Solar Energy

Southeastern Electric, along with other electric cooperatives, is working to bring renewable energy to their members. Electric cooperatives have been leaders in developing renewable energy systems in the Midwest. Our renewable portfolio includes hydropower, wind, waste heat recovery and a small amount of biogas from manure digesters.

As your Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, we are your source for energy and information. Since interest in solar power generation is growing, we put together the following information to help answer questions you might have. If you are thinking about installing solar panels, contact us first to obtain more details about solar grid interconnection, energy use details and more. Having these details will help you make an informed decision about whether solar is a good option for you.

Contact us to discuss your past energy use, to learn about energy efficiency upgrades and more. Having this information will help you decide if solar is the right fit for your property.

Ready to Apply?

If applying please fill out the Distributed Resource Interconnection Application and the Distributed Resource Interconnection and Small Renewable Energy PPA (Less Than 150 kW) if applies, and drop off at one of our offices or call 800-333-2859 for more information.

Third-Party Irrigation Management Rebate

A $750 rebate is available to irrigators who install a third-party irrigation management system on their pivots. Third-party irrigation management systems can provide information to irrigators on their smart devices and allow producers to start, stop, and monitor their pivots remotely. Irrigators must be enrolled in Southeastern’s load management program to qualify for the rebate. Text message and email notifications are available for load control times.

Please call a Southeastern Electric Member Services Representative at 1-800-333-2859 for details on qualifying third-party irrigation management systems.

Electric Vehicles (EVS)

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a “hot item” in the auto world, with many auto manufacturers offering at least one model. Improved versions are on the near horizon, too, for good reason. Electric vehicles provide environmental advantages and, even though they may carry a higher price tag initially, tax credits and lower operating costs often balance out the initial investment. They require no oil changes, belts, air filters, spark plugs and many other parts that occasionally need replacement in a gasoline car. Charge up with clean, American made electricity.

Below is more detailed information on electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging.


Economic Development

Southeastern is a partner in the Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund. The fund provides capital for new or expanding businesses and community development projects in small communities and rural areas to improve the quality of life. For more information on the REED Fund, contact Southeastern Electric at 1-800-333-2859.

Electric Equipment

Southeastern Electric offers low-interest loans to members who wish to invest in modern, energy-efficient electric heating and cooling equipment for their homes and businesses. Also, loans are available for home improvements, such as new doors, windows and insulation.

Note: All loans are subject to credit check and Board approval. No loans are available for installing fossil-fueled equipment. Collateral for the loan is required to be mortgage on the property. No loan dollars will be issued until all necessary equipment is installed and in operating condition. Payments must be paid by Automatic Bank Withdrawal and are due with the monthly electric bill. (17th of each month)

If you have any questions please contact the Member Services Department for details. 1-800-333-2859.

Electric Equipment Loan Categories

Geothermal Heat Pump, Air to Air Heat Pump, or Electric Heat up to $10,000 for 7 years @ 5% interest – $5,000 or under will be financed for 5 years @ 5% interest.

These loans can be used for the installation of equipment, duct systems, and the necessary wiring for the equipment.

Loan AmountMonthly PaymentMonth

Energy Conservation & Home Improvement

The Member home improvement loan program can help make your home more energy-efficient. Loan rates are competitive, terms are flexible and all loans are unsecured.

Weatherization & insulation loans cannot exceed $3,000 and can only be up to 5 years (60 months) at 5% interest.



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